

When installing ldsped, you also have to be root, so the install script can set all files on the required places and set the correct privileges.
Note that, to run, ldsped also needs root priviliges because it needs access to the system's network sockets.


Being root, just unpack the tgz in some temporary directory and execute ./install-ldsped.

The install script then will ask you some questions to set up a configuration file with enough parameters to run ldsped.

It is always possible to re-run the installation script, but you 'll have to confirm you want to overwrite the existing configuration. But mostly, once created, it is easy just to change the configuration file by hand.

Explanation of the configuration options and an example config can be found on this site (menu ldsped, submenu configuration, also in the FAQ).

If something is not clear, you can alwas mail me.